Iki García
Mother through ova donation
Suddenly, one day your instinct of maternity awakens. However, weeks and months go by and even years and the desire to become a mother gets frustrated. The gynaecologist has the answer to so much uncertainty; your own ova do not fecundate. Confused emotions fill your heart and the word ova donation is mentioned for the first time. Another woman´s ova could fulfill your desire of becoming a mother. They are not your own genes but does it really matter?
Many more women go through this situation every day. A late maternity, a fertility problem …. However, the new Spanish Reproduction Assisted Law, which is one of the most progressive in Europe, offers you one last chance: a donated ovum. IkiGarcía is a psychologist and mother of twins through ova donation, besides she is the facilitator of the ova donation psychology forum foroes.net.
By Rosa Maestro
.- Why and when did you decide to resort to ova donation?
“When I was finally determined to become a mother, I realized that I could not get pregnant with my usual partner. We decided then to see the social security doctor specialized on infertility, and they carried out some tests and the diagnosis was an alteration in my hormonal values, but they did not tell me anything else. I was 40 years old at that time. As a result of another problem of my partner we were diverted to another autonomous region and I was turned down because of my age, 41. Then I went to a private clinic of which I had very good references; they examined the tests of the public health system and they told me hat it was difficult for me to get pregnant with my own ova. It was a big disappointment for me because I was persuaded that there would be a solution to my hormone problem. The gynaecologist spoke to me very clearly and straight forward and told me that I could try it with my own ova but it depended on how much money I was ready to spend and how many times I was willing to try, but the probabilities were scarce. Then he spoke to me about ova donation and its feasibility. I was rather reluctant at first and I asked what he would do in my case. He told me straight forward, ova donation. I wanted to die. My partner was determined from the very first moment but it took me some time to make up my mind. I remember it was late October 2006 and I did not go back to the doctor until January 2007”.